‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is THE Classic Christmas Poem

The poem, “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” or “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” is perhaps the best known Christmas poem of all time. 

Although first published anonymously in 1823 in New York’s Troy Sentinel newspaper, it was attributed to American professor, Clement C. Moore. 

The poem continued to grow in popularity as it was reprinted in newspapers and magazines across the country. Eventually, Moore claimed authorship in 1837—fourteen years after its first printing. 

This classic narrative poem, written two centuries ago, continues to be read and enjoyed as part of Christmas celebrations today.

Clement C. Moore author of 'Twas the Night Before Chriistmas

Birchall Publishing recently released a fully illustrated classic picture book edition of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas for 2020. 

Beautiful illustrations are featured throughout, and a cleaner, slightly larger font makes reading the narrative poem easier for young readers. The 8″x10″ trim size makes it perfect to share as a Christmas read aloud.